ISO Certification Pitfalls eBook

ISO Certification: 7 Costly Pitfalls to Avoid

#6 Hiring Consultants

You’ve now realised that your company needs to get started on the ISO Certification process, and that it’s going to take more time than you have to spare. So why not hire a consultant? While there are certainly many highly skilled, qualified and dedicated consultants out there, unfortunately there are also some who are simply not. Hiring the wrong consultant can not only waste your time and money, it can also set you back months in the certification process.


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Prior to hiring an ISO Certification consultant you should, at the very least,
commit yourself to:

  • Searching intuitively online for reputable companies
  • Considering at least 3 different quotes in your local area
  • Short listing candidates who are willing to meet in person
  • Conducting in-person interviews for your top candidates

Apart from registration with an industry body, there is little regulation of ISO Consultants, so you need to be cautious when hiring outside consultants.

During the on-site interview look for candidates who:

  • Are willing to spend at least one hour discussing your needs and concerns
  • Offer useful information and demonstrate a passion for their field
  • Does not use scare tactics or offer unrealistic promises (“You’ll have your certificate by the end of next week!”)
  • Are able to provide at least one reference that you can call.

Hire the consultant who offers you the best blend of expertise and

Did you know?

ICS provides CVs and references for all of our consultants, as well as proof of registrations and qualifications, so you know you are working with a professional.