In the last few months, cleaning companies and contractors across Australia have been engaged to complete deep cleans of commercial and residential facilities in an attempt to slow the contamination and spread of COVID-19. As a result, cleaners are calling …
All over the world, scientists are trying to gain a deeper understanding of COVID-19 so that they can determine how to stop the spread of the disease. Why are Cleaning And Disinfecting So Important To Stop The Spread? COVID-19 is …
According to a study conducted by the Journal of Hospital Infection, coronavirus can survive and, consequently, remain infectious, for up to nine days on surfaces. In some cases, particularly in colder climates, this time period can be extended. This makes …
The Building Service Contractors Association of Australia (BSCAA) is offering a modified Clinical Cleaning course, which can be very beneficial for those looking to improve their existing cleaning procedures. Course Overview This course focuses on infectious cleaning, which has become …
As a cleaning company in a post-pandemic world, establishing a sense of trust with your clients has never been more important. Due to the rapid spread of COVID-19 in recent times, cleaning companies now inhabit a crucial role in preventing …
In recent times, coronavirus has swept across the globe, dramatically impacting a concerning number of businesses across a wide variety of sectors. One sector that has, however, experienced growth is the cleaning industry. Services of this nature are now playing …