Robust Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

Strength in Safety: Integrated OHS Management Solutions

Specialists in Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

Integrated Compliance Solutions are specialists in the implementation, maintenance, and certification of OHS Management Systems for Australian businesses.

We understand the critical role Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) play in improving safety, ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations, and fostering safer working environments.

Our experienced OHS consultants can provide your organisation with comprehensive knowledge and guidance, helping you establish an OHS Management System that meets legislative and WorkSafe requirements. We work to streamline the process and integrate your OHS system seamlessly into your workplace culture.

Building a Strong Health and Safety Management System

An Occupational Health and Safety Management System is a coordinated strategy or framework for managing health and safety risks. OHS Management Systems play an important role in facilitating ongoing improvement of business safety practices and adherence to health and safety laws and regulations.

A well designed and efficiently implemented Occupational Health and Safety Management System is essential for an organisation to establish a consistent and effective safety framework. It consists of clear, documented policies and procedures that outline your intentional safety management approach.

The documented system, typically in the form of OHS policies and OHS procedures, is designed to facilitate the assignment of health and safety responsibilities and promote knowledge retention. Together, these foster a secure working environment and support ongoing enhancements in your OHS performance.

An effective occupational health and safety management system typically includes:

  1. Top Management Commitment and Policy:
    Develop a general scope guiding measurable objectives, targets, and OHSMS development.
  2. Planning:
    Create a plan to deliver the OHS policy, objectives, and targets, identifying hazards arising from work activities for assessment and control.
  3. Implementation:
    Implement the plan by developing necessary capabilities and support mechanisms to achieve OHS objectives.
  4. Measurement and Evaluation:
    Continuously measure, monitor, and evaluate OHS performance to assess the effectiveness of risk management and take corrective action as needed.
  5. Review and Improvement:
    Once the OHSMS is in place, regular audits are important to ensure it operates as expected and meets its objectives effectively.

At Integrated Compliance Solutions, we can guide your organisation through the development and maintenance of your OHSMS to ensure continuous improvement.

Our consultants collaborate with you to tailor your Occupational Health and Safety Management System to align with your specific business requirements and potential OHS hazards.

Understanding Australian Work Health and Safety Legislation

In Australia, each state operates under its own set of Work Health and Safety (WHS/ OHS) laws, with a designated regulatory body responsible for their enforcement. The WHS framework within each state comprises several key components:


The WHS Act outlines the overarching responsibilities and obligations related to workplace health and safety. It sets the foundation for the legal framework, establishing the general principles that guide WHS practices in that jurisdiction.


Regulations complement the WHS Act with specific requirements aimed at addressing particular hazards and risks within industries and workplaces. These regulations cover hazards such as noise, machinery operation, and manual handling, providing detailed guidelines on how to manage and mitigate these risks effectively.

Codes of Practice:

Codes of practice offer practical guidance and recommendations to help businesses and individuals meet the requirements laid out in the WHS Act and Regulations. These codes provide a wealth of actionable information, offering insights into best practices for ensuring workplace safety and compliance with the law.

Regulating Agency (Regulator):

Each state’s regulating agency, often referred to as the regulator, plays a pivotal role in administering and enforcing WHS laws. This agency is responsible for various activities, including conducting workplace inspections, offering expert advice on WHS matters, and enforcing the WHS laws.

It’s important for businesses to familiarise themselves with their state’s WHS framework. Legislative compliance and OHS implementation can be simplified and streamlined significantly through an integrated OHS management system.

Benefits of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

An Occupational Health and Safety management system can help businesses navigate the complex landscape of Workplace Health and Safety laws.

An OHS Management System can assist with:

  • Improved Workplace Safety:
    Enhances safety by identifying and mitigating hazards, developing safe work practices, and providing proper training.
  • Legal Compliance:
    Ensures compliance with health and safety regulations, reducing the risk of fines and penalties.
  • Cost Savings:
    Reduces long-term costs, such as lower insurance premiums and fewer expenses related to incidents.
  • Enhanced Productivity:
    A safer workplace leads to increased employee productivity.
  • Employee Morale:
    Demonstrates commitment to employee well-being, leading to higher job satisfaction and retention.
  • Reduced Downtime:
    Prevents workplace incidents that result in downtime and equipment damage.
  • Improved Reputation:
    Companies with a strong safety record and certified OHSMS enjoy a better reputation, leading to more business opportunities and positive brand recognition.

Integrated Compliance Systems Health and Safety Solutions

At Integrated Compliance Solutions, we know no two businesses are the same. That’s why we conduct a thorough evaluation of your existing OHS practices and systems before customising a system that aligns with your organisation’s unique requirements.

When you choose ICS as your OHS solution provider, we’re committed to maximising the benefits to your business by:

  • Incorporating OHS best practices into a unified and streamlined cloud-based system, ensuring efficient compliance.
  • Customising your OHS management system to integrate with your organisation’s needs and culture while minimising disruptions.
  • Crafting user-friendly tools and systems that are easy to maintain and adapt as your business evolves.
  • Automating repetitive OHS workflows and eliminating redundancy in documentation, conserving time and resources.
  • Offering real-time OHS data and insights that enable proactive issue resolution and more effective strategic planning.

At Integrated Compliance Solutions, we are your partner in achieving OHS compliance and in your ongoing journey to elevate workplace safety standards.

By harnessing the advantages of an OHS management system, your business can move towards a safer, more secure workplace.

Seamless OHS Compliance with Cloud-Based Systems

In close collaboration with regulatory authorities and industry bodies, ICS have developed a cloud-based compliance package called “Digital IMS+”.

Digital IMS+ built inside of is our answer to ISO compliance for SMEs which also streamlines tender, registration, licensing, and certification processes, all in a paperless system. ICS’ approach is entirely tailored to your business, avoiding generic templates. We combine personalised consulting with cloud technology to craft a unique, industry-specific solution.

Our secure cloud-based system supports remote work and is highly adaptable to your needs. Digital IMS+ simplifies workflows, compliance reporting and audits with automation, centralised data storage and real-time monitoring. The platform not only manages tasks, documents, and approvals but also enhances security, speeds up processes, minimises errors, and promotes effective teamwork.

The result is strengthened systems and streamlined operations, making Digital IMS+ an invaluable asset for businesses looking to maintain regulatory compliance and workplace safety.

Contact our Occupational Health and Safety Management System Consultants

For a free, no-obligation consultation and to learn more about our Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, contact our team at 1300 132 745.

Trust Integrated Compliance Solutions to guide your organisation in achieving comprehensive OHS compliance and maintaining alignment with health and safety legislation updates.


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