As a cleaning company in a post-pandemic world, establishing a sense of trust with your clients has never been more important.
Due to the rapid spread of COVID-19 in recent times, cleaning companies now inhabit a crucial role in preventing infections. If a company’s management doesn’t trust that you’ll conduct cleaning on their premises in the required manner, they’ll look elsewhere. This is because, ultimately, if cleaning operations aren’t sufficient, they’ll be putting their staff members, as well as their customers, at the unnecessary risk of contracting coronavirus.
While physical distancing and intensified cleaning procedures have helped slow and, in some cases, contain the spread; it’s unlikely that our way of life will be returning to ‘normal’ anytime soon. In fact, it’s probable that we’ll need to exercise caution and implement thorough cleaning practices for many months to come or, in other words, until a vaccine is developed or we achieve widespread immunity.
This is, of course, expected to have many implications for the cleaning sector not just now, but also in the near (and not so near) future. If your cleaning company fails to build trust with existing and potential clients, you’ll likely struggle to maintain a viable business in the trying times to come.
Developing Trust With Your Cleaning Company’s Clients
There are various relatively straightforward steps your cleaning company can take to demonstrate your commitment to providing high-quality service and keeping your client’s premises infection-free.
This includes:
- Updating your janitorial proposals to include infection prevention programs;
- Reassess your use of tools and equipment;
- Take steps to improve the professional appearance of staff members, for instance, by introducing uniforms;
- Maintain transparency with clients;
- Communicate clearly, openly and regularly with clients to discuss relevant cleaning issues and the like;
- Re-brand and reposition your cleaning company to highlight your updated service capabilities and status as an infection prevention business.
Want to ensure your cleaning company is well-equipped to meet post-pandemic requirements, assisting you in establishing trust with clients? At Integrated Compliance Solutions, we offer a systematic COVID-19 Gap Analysis service, which has been custom-designed for those in the cleaning industry. To find out more, contact us.
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