Tag Archives: ISO

Benefits of ISO Certification for your Business

Have you ever wondered if a particular service or product is safe, environmentally friendly or high enough quality enough for you to use? Probably your customers (or targeted customers) are also wondering the same about what you offer them. So …

Fakes, frauds & cheapsters: Part 3 – Is that certificate of compliance from your supplier valid?

Whenever you see a compliance claim, it’s wise to verify who is making the claim and what they are claiming, so you can decide whether the certificate is actually valid.  If someone is claiming compliance falsely, especially a critical supplier, …

Fakes, frauds and cheapsters: Part 2 – Beware of cheap: What’s wrong with most template systems?

In Part 1 we talked about how to identify rogue suppliers of ISO systems- and the too-quick-to-be good-providers. In this July edition, Parts 2 and 3 explore the dangers of template systems and how to identify dodgy certificates from (particularly …

Fakes, frauds and cheapsters – navigating the maze to find reputable ISO providers (Part 1)

Obtaining ISO certification from a JAS-ANZ registered certification body tells your customers and the community that you have been assessed by a reputable independent body as meeting  an internationally recognised standard of excellence.  Ultimately, it is this reputation that can …