
Expert ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Consultants for Your Australian Business

– Understand Environmental Management Systems

ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Consultants

Integrated Compliance Solutions has a team of expert Management Consultants who can help you implement an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in your Australian Business.

We help mature businesses develop effective compliance systems and solutions. When you work with us, our team of experts will help you save money and assist your business in improving processes, by:

  • Integrating all your ISO standards (where possible) to create seamless systems for success;
  • Minimising change by customising your business’ solution to your unique needs and culture;
  • Creating user-friendly tools that are easy to maintain and change, as your needs do;
  • Saving time and resources by limiting duplication of documentation.

Our ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Services

At Integrated Compliance Solutions, we specialise in offering a range of ISO Consulting services for businesses across Australia that are looking to achieve or maintain ISO certification.

Environmental Management System Standards are designed to help businesses reduce their impact on the environment while managing business costs through sustainable practice.

If your business is considering integrating an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, our consultants can assist you. Our seamless process ensures that your company is able to implement ISO 14001, while continuing to grow and meet your goals, in line with compliance requirements.

The latest revision of this framework is ISO 14001:2015, which replaces ISO 14001:2004. Our team of dedicated Environmental Management System consultants can help your business meet the new requirements of ISO 14001:2015. We will guide you through the transition; building on your system’s existing strengths and ensuring that you have everything you need.

What is an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System?

ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised Environmental Management System. It was developed in response to stringent legislation and the increasing concern of governments and stakeholders worldwide that believe businesses should control the impact of their activities on the environment.

It helps businesses reduce their environmental impact by setting out the necessary steps and elements involved in setting up an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS). With ISO 14001 in place, you can retain profitability while also reducing the impact of your business’ activities on the environment.

What are the benefits of having an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System In Place?

Many organisations now require ISO 14001 certification as a condition of a contract with a customer. However, businesses may seek certification to the Environmental Management System standard ISO 14001 for many other reasons. Some of these include:

  • Meeting legal and regulatory requirements;
  • Attracting investment;
  • Applying this marketing tool to attract more, different types of customers and contracts to the business;
  • Giving customers confidence that your organisation is meeting its’ legal and regulatory compliance obligations;
  • Adding a stamp of credibility, making your products or services preferable to those of your competitors;
  • Managing and preventing risks;
  • Helping to manage and diminish environmental risks now and in the future, which can potentially deliver significant cost savings;
  • Improving your community and environmental reputation by indicating a desire to demonstrate environmental leadership and commitment to customers and stakeholders.

Managing Environmental Law Updates

Environmental law is continually being reviewed, with government officials making improvements as required to ensure legislation is relevant to the existing landscape.

If you’re interested in becoming ISO 14001 certified, compliance with environmental legislation is crucial.

As amendments are being instituted regularly, it can be difficult for the average business to ensure they’re up-to-date on and operating in compliance with the latest environmental legislation updates. When it comes to managing these updates, organisations often need to be prepared to invest time, money and resources in the process.

If your business fails to satisfy your environmental legislative requirements, you may be leaving yourself exposed to fines and legal action.

By hiring an external consultant, you can ensure that your systems don’t become outdated. Beyond this, you can take some of the pressure off your internal team, allowing them to focus on their primary role and lead your organisation towards continued success.

Consultants for Environmental Legislation Updates

At Integrated Compliance Solutions, our team have extensive experience assisting businesses in achieving and maintaining compliance with environmental law updates.

Environmental legislation updates can vary between states. Stay well informed of the requirements that are relevant to your business by getting in touch with our team today.

Your ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Consultants

Formerly Integrated Consulting Solutions, Integrated Compliance Solutions (ICS) has been supplying compliance solutions to SMEs around Australia since 2009. We help businesses get compliant and stay compliant in a way that is efficient, cost-effective and easy.

Our Environmental Management System Consultants provide advice and support all the way through the process to integrate end-to-end compliance solutions in a number of industries including transport, construction, hospitality, manufacturing, retail, trade and essential services.

Founded by Heather Bienefelt, and drawing on well over 150 years of combined experience in compliance consulting, ICS is proud of its reputation for delivering tried and tested certification solutions that give growing businesses a winning edge.

Find Out More Today

Contact us today on 1300 132 745 for more information on the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, or to book a free, no-obligation quote today.

To find out more about ISO certification, see our ISO Certification Frequently Asked Questions.

FAQs About ISO 14001 Certification

If you currently have an Environmental Management System in place and are looking for it to be audited for compliance to ISO 14001, we can help.

Our team of consultants can provide comprehensive gap analyses to quickly and thoroughly assess your system’s level of compliance against the standard ISO 14001. This will provide you with a step by step report detailing where your current system meets and does not meet the requirements and what actions you need to take to fill the gaps..

We can provide your company with an ISO 14001 internal auditor or interim Environmental Management System consultant if required, fulfilling the role in a fraction of the time it would take your staff to do it. This would subsequently improve your productivity and leave you free to run your business.

ISO 14001:2015 responds to the latest trends, ensuring companies factor in all relevant external and internal elements that will influence their environmental impact. The changes made in ISO 14001:2015 also work to enhance the standards compatibility with other management systems, reducing duplication and making integrating systems easier.

The main areas of content change fall into the following categories:

  • Approach to risk and awareness of the context in which your business operates;
  • Meeting stakeholder expectations;
  • A “lifecycle perspective” of aspects and impacts;
  • Closer attention to measuring of environmental performance against objectives.

Many businesses we have helped thus far find they have little in place in these areas and need to dedicate some time and thought to meeting the requirements. The purchasing lifecycle reporting requirement is particularly challenging.

First, undertake an ISO 14001:2015 gap analysis to audit processes and identify any gaps in your current management system.

Because it is easy to underestimate the time closing these gaps will take, your business may find it helpful to create a project plan with a timeline that keeps track of:

  • How much work is required and how much time and resources you can allocate to fill the gaps. Be aware that the management team is required to undertake much of this activity.
  • Allow time to make changes to your management system and for the training of your employees. Time should also be allocated for additional internal auditsin the transition period that will help you identify non-conforming areas.

It’s not difficult. It just takes some time, thinking and regular focused activity.

Some of the key reported improvements in the ISO 14001:2015 version include:

  • Enhancement of environmental performance giving a greater protection for the environment with focus on proactive initiatives;
  • More rigorous assessment and fulfilment of legal and regulatory compliance obligations;
  • Achievement of environmental objectives including the product life cycle structure: with stage of the cycle from beginning to end of life;
  • A greater commitment to leadership involvement and employee engagement;
  • An increased alignment with strategic direction and communication strategy.

The Sustainability and Environment Standards our experts have experience in are:

  • AS/NZS 5377: AS/NZS 5377 is a joint Australian and New Zealand Standard that was written to guide companies who collect, store, transport and treat waste from end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment. The objective of the Standard is to maximise the amount of materials that are re-used and recovered so that the volume of e-waste going to landfill is reduced. The Standard also aims to protect workers’ health and safety as well as preventing hazardous materials entering the environment.
  • Ecolabelling: Ecolabelling is an internationally recognised form of environmental performance certification and labelling. Products and services with an eco label have the stamp of approval that they are produced sustainably and with less impact on the environment.


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