ISO Gap Analysis Your Australian Company Can Count On

– Completing A Gap Analysis Of Your Management Systems

ICS is now offering remote consulting for this service. If your team are working from home or regionally, we can assist you in conducting remote audits and developing your systems online. Contact us for more information.

Does Your Business Need An ISO Gap Analysis?

Here at Integrated Compliance Solutions, we specialise in helping mature businesses develop and maintain lean, practical ISO management systems that make the best use of what’s already working well. Our expert team know the ISO standards but more importantly we know business, and for that reason we make a point of assigning you a consultant who has experience working in your industry.

So how compliant are your systems to ISO and what’s missing? How much will it take to fill the gaps? These are the questions an ISO gap assessment can answer. However, when we conduct a system gap analysis for you, we don’t just point out the gaps and leave you to work out the rest as many consulting companies do. As part of the day we spend with you, we also train you in the requirements and provide you with an action plan to reach ISO compliance and to keep your business efficient as you grow.

Continue reading or contact us today for more information about our Australia-wide service.

What is an ISO Gap Analysis and how does it work?

An ISO Gap Analysis assesses how fully you comply with any given standard and details the gaps to work on. Ideally it also tells you what you need to fill the gaps with and provides an action plan and adds value in terms of improvement suggestions. For example, a Quality Gap Analysis against ISO 9001: 2015 identifies anything you need to do in order to be eligible for certification to the latest Quality standards.

We have helped hundreds of businesses around Australia needing an ISO gap analysis for a range of standards including:

If you don’t see what you are after in this list, ask us. We have a huge network of ISO gap analysis experts to draw on across Australia.

What are the benefits of doing an ISO Gap Analysis prior to setting up your system?

If your business has substantial existing systems or you have been in business for a number of years, there are many advantages to starting your ISO management system development with an ISO Gap Analysis from an experienced consultant. For a relatively small investment in time and money, an ISO Gap audit can tell you how far you are away from your goal and what investment of time, money and effort you will need to get there. It can help you decide if it’s worth going ahead and help you plan the project.

If your business has been around for a while, you probably already have some systems and some “ways of doing things” that work for you, even if they are not documented. So, when you decide to get ISO certification, you probably don’t want to start all over from scratch. It’s much smarter to work with at least the best of what you have, building on your existing strengths. You may be pleasantly surprised that your systems are more compliant than you realised.

You can do a gap analysis yourself from a template checklist, but a Gap audit from an expert consultant will save you time and effort in the long run. ISO consultants know exactly how to meet the requirements for a range of areas, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 or ISO 27001. Help from a professional will save you from over documenting the process, as they will know what is necessary and what isn’t. Once the gap audit is completed, you can take the actions steps report and DIY- confident that you are on the right track.

How our Unique System Gap Analysis Process Works

First, we review all your existing documentation and processes against the requirements of the relevant ISO standard(s). This is done through viewing your documentation either on-site or remotely and by asking questions of someone on your team who is across most of the system.

We will then document our findings in a gap assessment matrix with columns describing all the clauses of the standard, how much you comply (not at all/partially/fully) and why and exactly what to do about it for your specific circumstances.

A summary report brings together the key findings- strengths, weaknesses and the way forward. By the end, you will have a very clear idea of where your system is in terms of compliance and what’s missing.

During the gap assessment, the consultant will explain any missing requirements and how you might fill these gaps in a practical, cost-effective way. If possible, your consultant will also suggest ways that improvements could be integrated into existing systems.

From experience, this is by far the most effective way for a mature business with existing systems to reach compliance and have a workable system going forward. We will discuss with you which of these actions you may wish to complete yourself and which would be better for the consultant to complete, depending on your needs and budget. We will then quote you a fixed cost on the work we are proposing to do for you.

Key Deliverables:

  • Gap assessment matrix: detailing level of compliance against each clause of the standard (full/partial/not at all) and specific action steps for your situation.
  • Summary report: bringing together key findings, such as strengths, weaknesses and the way forward.
  • Understanding: of the requirements of the standard(s) and how to meet them in simple, practical and cost-effective ways which won’t become a burden or distract from the running of the business.
  • Fixed cost quote: for the remainder of the work to reach compliance based on your preferences.

Speak With one of our Consultants Today

With more than 10 years in the industry, our ISO consultants understand how to structure your management systems to fit your unique needs, helping you to streamline for greater efficiency.

Contact us today on 1300 132 745 for more information about our services, or to organise an ISO gap analysis for your business.

Not What You’re After?

We offer a number of different auditing services. If an ISO gap analysis doesn’t sound like what you’re looking for, one of the following may be more applicable:

  • ISO Internal Audits: determines if a business’ management systems are compliant with ISO best-practice standards and internal protocols and pinpoints potential areas of improvement.
  • ISO Healthcheck Audit: helps organisations determine their current level of compliance before undergoing an external (3rd party) Certification Body audit.
  • ISO Supplier Audits: analyses and verifies the extent to which suppliers comply with relevant customer requirements.

Alternatively, contact our consultants who can provide you with expert guidance and help you find the type of auditing that’s best suited to your business’ needs.


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